December 28, 2007

Invoice Factoring Companies for Particular Industries

When you are searching for a factoring company, you should realize that some are more adept at providing a solution for your particular industry than others. Manufacturers, distributors, and service companies are all industries that can be served well by most competent factors. however, construction companies, healthcare providers, and transportation firms all have certain peculiarities that necessitate a niche factoring company. Construction has its own set of issues, particularly retainage. Healthcare billing is incredibly complex due to Medicare and Medicaid, discounts from the insurance companies, and coding errors. Because of these issues, a factor than knows this industry very well is essential. Trucking companies are effected by a host of government regulations, bills of lading, and owner-operators.

Make sure that the factoring company finances invoices in your industry on a regular basis.

Kent Harlan, CPA
Ozarks Capital Funding, LLC
(417) 849-7394

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