February 19, 2008

Checking Your Company's Background

I was approached by a potential factoring client a few years ago that seemed motivated to grow his business. He owned a commercial printing company that was growing rapidly. The bank he used wasn't helpful in providing the additional working capital he desperately needed.

The company was close to where I live, so I met the owner in person. After getting some basic information, I started asking some pointed questions about the business and asked if he had a recent financial statement. His demeanor changed on the spot, as he became defensive and uncooperative.

I wasn't giving him the "third degree". I was merely trying to establish if his company would be a good fit for the factoring company I represent. I like to do this up front before a lot of time is invested in processing the application.

It's important for there to be a level of trust on both sides. We're there to provide a valuable service for our clients. It's important for us to find out relevant information on the front end to make sure we can provide an excellent level of service.

Need working capital? Click here to apply.

Kent Harlan, CPA
Ozarks Capital Funding, LLC

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