January 29, 2008

Credit Screening is an Important Benefit to Factoring

Invoice factoring is an important financing tool for firms that are not "bankable". This situation comes about because either they are in a poor financial condition or they are growing at an extremely fast rate. In addition to the fast and consistent funding, there are other benefits to establishing a factoring relationship. One of them that most factors offer is credit screening.

In a fast paced and competitive environment, business owners often don't have the time to analyze the creditworthiness of new customers. They may ask that a credit application be completed, but many don't follow through with checking credit references or running a Dun & Bradstreet report on the prospective client. Factoring companies have the necessary tools at their disposal to ferret out those customers who might pose a credit risk. The benefits to both the factoring company and their customer is enormous. Thousands of dollars in bad debt can be averted and the factor has a better comfort level of advancing funds to the client.

Need quick working capital? Click here to apply.
Kent Harlan, CPA
Ozarks Capital Funding, LLC

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